Industrial-Grade Cannabis & Hemp Trimming Machine.
Maximum Throughput. Minimal Labor. Hand Trimmed Quality.
Preserve CBD &
THC Potency
Handlike accuracy in a fraction of the time
Engineered to replicate the design of scissors, Twister Trimmers generate precision cuts. Minimal handling preserves trichomes and cannabinoids. Don’t let an inconsistent approach reduce the potency and profitability of your flower. Designed to handle the intricacies of trimming without the typical man-hours needed to endure such skilled work.
Serious Growers Need
Serious Equipment
Don’t pull up in a mini van when you need a pick-up truck.
Automate and accelerate production to ensure that you get your product to market promptly to maintain flower quality and freshness. Built to run 24-hours a day with a throughput of 600 lbs wet or 125 lbs dry per hour so you can move quickly, minimizing the risk of mildew or mold. The quicker you get to market, the quicker you secure distribution and revenue on your harvest. Lean workflow using single piece flow. 24 hour trimming – NO down time period.
Minimal Labor,
Maximum Return
Turn your biggest expense into your greatest asset.
Save time, stress, and hundreds of thousands in labor. It’s time to work smarter with the T-Zero SE. Minimize the time, energy, and cost of your labor force with minimal labor required. The T-Zero SE exponentially increases productivity while drastically decreasing labor costs. Remote access for diagnostics and troubleshooting coupled with comprehensive customer support offers unprecedented control. Take trimming to the next level.